Macon Duplicate Bridge Club Constitution and By-Laws

Adopted March 2002

Revised December 2008

Revised December 2014



The name of this organization shall be the Macon Duplicate Bridge Club, Inc. (“the MDBC’)




The MDBC is organized to provide duplicate bridge games for members and the general public and to promote the game of bridge.




MDBC shall operate as sanctioned by and in accordance with the rules of the American Contract Bridge League (“the ACBL”).




Membership registration will be renewed annually at a fee fixed by the Governing Board (“the Board”) in accordance with sound fiscal policy.




The affairs of the MDBC shall be conducted by the Board in accordance with these articles and duly established By-Laws of the MDBC.  The Board shall consist of the following:


(1)      elected voting members:  the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer (these

          form the “Officers”), and four Trustees elected for two year terms.  These eight elected members

          along with the club manager shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board.


(2)      annually appointed voting members:  the Club Manager, the Tournament Coordinator, and  other

          Coordinators of the MDBC who are not currently Trustees or Officers


(3)      any Unit 114 representative who is also a current member of the MDBC


(4)      the immediate past president.


The officers and trustees shall be elected annually from the membership, and none of these, with the exception of the Treasurer, shall serve more than two consecutive years in the same office.   In the event that the Office of President is vacated, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President until the next election. In the event that another elective office becomes vacant, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to serve the unexpired term.


A quorum at general meetings shall consist of 25% of the membership.  A quorum at a meeting of the Board shall consist of eight members. An annual meeting of the general membership shall be held at least once a year in December. In addition, the Board of the MDBC shall meet approximately 6 times a year at the discretion of the President. Other business, including polling of members, may take place via the Internet. Quorum rules remain the same as for physical meetings. Provisions shall be provided for non-internet using members to participate in any voting which is basically carried out on the internet.


The Executive Committee shall decide any issues that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, including maintaining adequate insurance on all properties of the MDBC. The President shall serve as Chair of the Committee and will make the report of its actions to the Board at its next meeting. Any action that is taken must have five affirmative votes from the Committee in order to be implemented. The executive Committee excluding the Club Manager will approve the annual appointment of the Club Manager. The full Executive Committee will approve the appointments of the Tournament Coordinator and the other Coordinators. The Executive may “meet” Via the internet in the form of emails.



1.     The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Executive committee and the Board; represent the MDBC at ceremonies and business transactions; and, with the approval of the Executive Committee, annually appoint the Club Manager, the Tournament Coordinator and other Coordinators, and all committees.  The President shall be granted access to MDBC bank accounts by maintaining a signature card at the MDBC’s banking institutions.


2. The VICE-PRESIDENT shall serve as President-Elect, assist the President in performance of the duties of the President, and in the absence of the President, shall assume the duties of the President.  The Vice-President shall organize and schedule directors for all regular Club games.


3.   The SECRETARY shall record the minutes of all meetings of the MDBC, Executive Committee, and the Board; prepare correspondence; preserve signed copies of these Articles and By-Laws; certify to adopted changes thereto, and preserve the general records of the MDBC.


4.       The TREASURER  shall serve as the custodian of all funds and properties accruing to the MDBC; maintain membership rolls; make payments for all authorized expenses; give an accounting of the finances of the MDBC whenever requested by the Board; and present a written report, in a format prescribed by the Executive Committee, to all members at the annual membership meeting.   The Treasurer's records shall be reviewed annually by a committee appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.


5.   The TRUSTEES, in addition to their responsibilities as members of the Board, shall serve as Coordinators


6.   The CLUB MANAGER shall maintain all records of games played and the number of tables at each session; make all monthly reports to the ACBL; inform the membership of all special games; ask permission for all special functions as required by the ACBL, and order all supplies needed for the games.






The Tournament Coordinator shall be responsible for the Sectional Bridge Tournaments sponsored by the MDBC as approved by the Board. Duties include obtaining ACBL sanctions for the tournaments in conjunction with the Tournament Chairpersons of Unit 114 and District 7; obtaining approval of the tournament schedule from ACBL; reviewing and selecting a host hotel including negotiation rates; recruiting the Partnerships Chairperson for the tournament; preparing and distributing promotional materials; recruiting and coordination hospitality and lunch services; arranging for hospitality service persons and caddies(as needed); procuring hospitality and other supplies; arranging the playing area, setting up the buildings for the event; serving as the contact for the ACBL assigned Director in Charge; ensuring the opening and closing of the MDBC building during the tournament; accepting the report of the tournament and the funds from the Director in Charge; making the tournament funds deposits; and making a report of the financial results of the tournament.




The PARTNERSHIP Coordinator will arrange partnerships for players who wish to play in an MDBC game but have no partner.  The names and telephone numbers of the coordinator and other suitable contacts will be listed in local newspapers for community awareness.




The NOVICE Program Liaison shall be responsible for encouraging new players to play duplicate.  The Liaison assists with Partnership Coordinator to arrange partnerships for all MDBC limited masterpoint games and makes weekly calls or other contacts to encourage attendance at these games.




The Communications Coordinator shall promote MDBC in the Middle Georgia area with information provided to members via email and to news, radio, and TV media of games, events and opportunities available for the general public; maintain an accurate list of the email addresses of all members of the MDBC; send messages to members of monthly notices of the club schedules,  members’ birthdays and information about illnesses, deaths, and other personal information as requested by members.




The Hospitality and Arrangements Coordinator shall plan the annual membership meeting and various special games during the year in which refreshments and decorations are needed. The games promote membership growth and fellowship within the MDBC.


6.     BUILDINGS  


The Buildings Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining all building interiors and equipment in good repair, including cleanliness, and preparing and enforcing guidelines for the use of the buildings of the MDBC (rental, fees charged, use of alcohol, etc.) including a policy of non-solicitation for any causes except those sanctioned by ACBL.


7.     GROUNDS


The Grounds Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning and executing of planting design; maintenance of the grounds including parking areas, driveways and fences; and planning and execution of maintenance of the exterior of the buildings.




The Purchasing Coordinator shall be responsible for purchasing kitchen and other supplies, at the best price, needed for the MDBC, including but not limited to; drinks, coffee, paper products, candies, and crackers.


9.    SUNSHINE  


The Sunshine Committee shall be responsible for the awareness of the needs of members as to illness and deaths by preparing sympathy and get well cards to MDBC games for members to sign and arranging food and other needs to express the MDBC’s concern for its membership.




The Education Coordinator shall be responsible for the coordination of classes for the general public both to learn how to play bridge and how to better their level of play.




I.        By-Laws, including those regulating play, shall be established by the Board and the membership.   No by-law shall be established in contradiction of laws, ordinances, or regulations of the ACBL.


II.      The place of meeting and play shall be determined by the Board.


III.     A nominating committee, which shall include two elected members of the Executive Committee, shall be appointed by the President.   The Committee's slate of Officers and Trustees shall be presented at the annual membership meeting and voted upon by the membership.  Nominations will also be accepted from the floor, provided those nominated have consented to their names being placed in nomination.


IV.    Officers of the MDBC shall serve without pay, and no funds shall accrue to the benefit of any member except to reimburse expenses incurred in the transaction of MDBC business.  The Club Manager, in recognition of services rendered and time expended, shall be compensated in a manner and amount to be determined by the Board.


V.     There shall be a non-playing director at all games, except in an emergency.  The fee for Directors shall be established by the Board in keeping with sound fiscal policy.   


VI.      In the event of disbandment of the Club, all remaining properties shall be sold and/or donated to nonprofit organizations, and all money remaining in bank accounts shall be forwarded to the Charity Fund of the ACBL.


VII.         The Constitution and By-Laws of the Club may be amended after written notice to the membership upon a two-thirds vote of a meeting of the membership.


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